We want to know what your favorite Genghis Grill recipe is! Any special ingredients...
Genghis Grills are running a charity special offer; Donate $3 to No Kid Hungry...
It’s time to celebrate! Moms, Dads and Grads! May and June are special months...
Genghis grill is back with another awesome giveaway! 500 Points Giveaway is on. Genghis...
Attention all Genghis Grill Fans!! This is a Bowl Madness News. If you are...
Natural low fat white chicken breast with vegetables like broccoli, green onion mixed with...
Genghis fans, there is a great news from Genghis Grill for you to share....
Reward yourself! Download Genghis Grill app , scan your first receipt and get a...
Genghis Grill Order Online Your Carry Out to Go Order is ready! And you...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Christmas is done and dusted...